In the following document will be contextualized on the importance of the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the business sector establishing the influence of these on economic development. 

The use of technology has marked a new era of knowledge that has always been developed rapidly favoring all kinds of educational, economic, social, cultural, political and other aspects and that in turn has developed a wide field of opportunities that facilitate , improve and optimize the constant development of human evolution.
Man since ancient times has developed various ways to improve the way he communicates in order to move forward, this has allowed him to acquire increasingly efficient skills to transmit information. Currently the phenomenon that is giving controversy in different aspects, is the use of new ICT information and communication technologies since it has become a primary factor in different human activities, according to (Ochoa & Cordero, 2002) "tic they are a set of processes and products derived from new tools (hardware and software), supports and communication channels, related to the storage, processing and digitalized transmission of information ".
 At the business level ICT information and communication technologies have become indispensable for the proper functioning and structuring in the different fields of work since they provide a great variety of opportunities and improvements that help the good business operation.

Thanks to the new forms of communication offered by ICT, the possibilities are extensive, since the ways of exchanging information are becoming more precise and concise.

The implementation of ICT in companies is essential since it brida a great economic stability that will allow you to advance and improve your organization, companies that have a good ICT management are the most competent in the labor market, but not just important equip a company with technological devices is also important those who manipulate the different databases and control the different processes of management of the company therefore the cost of the implementation of equipment in minor to the restructuring that must be carried out for the technification of a company. Nowadays, companies must be in constant adaptation with the technological devices because if they do not have control of said devices, the company will once again be at a disadvantage in the face of global competitiveness.

The borders do not exist in the digital world that allows that from any part of the world the same information is being given in real time of the different social, cultural, political events, etc. Due to this time is reduced, what took years to do now takes thousandths of seconds an example of this is the sending of messages, also thanks to ICT everyone has access to information and knowledge acquisition, in a company this represents greater profits since there will be greater possibilities of selling different products and better marketing, this represents a great advantage since the more products sold, the more buyers demand those products.

The importance of ICT at the company level lies significantly in what influences communication technologies in the sale of products and services, making them visible in the global market.

"Both ICT and the versatility of products to overcome physical and geographical barriers have led to what Cairncross (1997) and Quah (2000) have defined as the death of geographic distances" (Berumen and Ibarra, 2009, p .twenty-one). Returning to the above-mentioned death of geographic distances as transnational is to say breaking national borders and making a company visible in several countries at the same time, a significant point since the fact that a company can be present in different steps evidently demonstrates the great scope of this and it supposes greater visualization of his products at global level of this way extending his market and harnessing his profits.

"Pierano and Suárez (2006) point out that the ways in which ICT helps improve performance in companies are four: automation, accessibility to information, transaction costs and learning processes" (Saavedra and Tapia, 2013, p .88). In this sense we can rescue from the above-mentioned mind these four concepts that are currently fundamental for business development.

Automation: at the business level we could define it as the process in which an activity is carried out automatically, this can be achieved through the implementation of machines, software and other tools.

Accessibility to information: we could refer to the means, mechanisms or techniques that make it possible to communicate, send and receive data almost spontaneously, this allows a company to make important decisions in less time and with less expenses.

Transaction costs: Milling the information so quickly reduces coordination costs both inside and outside the company.

Learning processes: the use of ICT nowadays has facilitated the training of the personnel of a company, it is no longer necessary to give face-to-face conferences, they can be virtual through learning platforms.

From this perspective, Mujica (2000) "considers that the technological advance of computing, computing, and telecommunications, incorporated into organizations a different approach than usual to access knowledge, flexibility, interactivity, economy, speed, independence, communication and development "(pg.61).

  1. With the preparation of this report, we understood in a very solid way the importance of communication and information technologies, at a business level, since it provides the company with tools to improve its processes, communication and organizational aspects, which represents economic growth and recognition.
  2. We also conclude that tics have become a vital factor in business organizations, since their use determines to a large extent the competitiveness and recognition of a product or company in this world immersed in globalization, as described in the report " TalentMobility 2020, Thenextgeneration of internationalassignments "from PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), such is the importance that ICTs have in society and in the market today, that those who do not know how to get on the" technological wave "will not be able to survive in the future international environment.
  3.  Finally, we conclude that ICTs help to improve the performance of companies in four fundamental aspects: automation, accessibility to information, transaction costs and learning processes, generating greater effectiveness in the processes and transmission of information in real time, and allowing its access from anywhere in the world.


1. BERUMEN, S, ARRIAZA-IBARRA, K. (2009). Evolución y desarrollo de las TIC en la economía del conocimiento. Recovered from:

2. SAAVEDRA - GARCÍA, M, B, TAPIA – SÁNCHEZ (2013). El uso de las tecnologías de información y comunicación TIC en las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas (MIPyME) industriales mexicanas. Recovered from:

3. Galo E. Cano Pita (2017) Las TICs en las empresas: evolución de la tecnología y cambio estructural en las organizaciones. Recovered from:

4. Mujica, M. (2000). Nuevas Estrategias para Gerenciar. Una Visión Epistemológica. Recovered from:

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